Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ten Things I've a Learned in Ten Days

Yep, it has only been ten days since we've embarked upon this low sodium journey. The learning curve is pretty steep. But we're learning, and that's what counts.

Here are a few things I've learned:

1) The seasoning Lemon Pepper should be more accurately called, Lemon Pepper Flavored Salt.  Mrs. Dash's makes a pretty good alternative.

2) Subway may be a healthy alternative fast food option for most people, but the low sodium options are pretty much limited to a 6-inch Veggie Delight. Not exactly something most 13 year olds are clamoring for.

3) You can actually make a halfway decent low sodium burrito using a quinoa tortilla, low sodium refried beans (canned or make your own - something I will eventually try) and limited amount of shredded cheese.

4) Tastebuds do change after cutting out the sodium, even after only 10 days!

5) Really sweet things that aren't really good for you are often good low sodium alternative - like cotton candy. You gotta find something to eat at the county fair or the ball park!

6) A shake of salt is about 40 mg of sodium.

7) Homemade mac n' cheese can be low-sodiumified by using half sharp cheddar cheese and half Swiss cheese, and of course eliminating the salt.

8) You can find a no sodium bread, but it is blah. Might be better to go low sodium in the bread arena and cut the salt elsewhere.

9) If you go to a burger joint that grills their burgers, besides holding the condiments, you can ask for them to not sprinkle grill seasoning on your burger. Not sure how much sodium this saves you, but it is something.

10) Gluten free is the new low-fat. It's everywhere - little signs on the store shelves, on the products themselves, advertised in store fliers. I guess that is because so many people have discovered they are either allergic or feel so much better with out it. Apparently low sodium fare has not hit its "Hay Day" yet. Waiting for that day.

~ Til next time, have a low salt, but flavorful day!

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